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den 22 oktober 2008

  Obama och aborter, diskussionen fortsätter

I sin Newsweek-artikel som jag refererade till häromdagen, kritiserade George Weigel tre katoliker för deras stöd till Obama. Det går inte att vara pro-life och samtidigt välja Obama framför McCain, menade Weigel och pekade på hur mycket skada i abortfrågan Obama antagligen kommer att göra som president. Nu har de tre utpekade katolikerna svarat. Till saken hör att dessa tre alla är etablerade juridikprofessorer och knappast några duvungar. Ändå är deras svar förvånansvärt lamt. De skriver:

In the closing weeks of this election, abortion is among the crucial issues for Catholic voters, but promoting a culture of life is necessarily interconnected with a family wage, universal health care and, yes, better parenting and education of our youth. This greater appreciation for the totality of Catholic teaching is at the very heart of the Obama campaign; it is scarcely a McCain footnote.

In a perfect world, the pro-life argumentation of George Weigel is unassailable. He counsels having constitutional law align absolutely with the defense of innocent human life; to which we say, ”Amen.” The problem for Weigel is that even our collective ”Amen” will not make it so. In the meantime, millions of children are being aborted. …

Weigel may also wish to stay tied up in knots over the fitness of Catholic politicians to receive holy communion, rather than practically asking how to be of help to a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy. But as we read the American bishops, they have invited Catholic officeholders to promote life as much as is politically possible (never conceding any life as expendable). The notion of using the sacrament as a political tool we find divisive, deeply offensive and contrary to the Gospel.

Ingenstans försöker de förklara hur man kan vara pro-life och samtidigt rösta på en presidentkandidat som på punkt efter punkt vill underlätta för kvinnor att göra abort och förhindra alla initiativ som försöker få gravida kvinnor att behålla sina barn. Nej, det handlar om hur Obama på en mängd andra frågor är så mycket bättre än McCain och att livsfrågorna handlar om så mycket mer än att lagstifta mot aborter. Bland annat menar de att kvinnors allmänna välfärd påverkar deras benägenhet att göra aborter.

George Weigels replik lät inte vänta på sig. Han skriver:

the public record amply demonstrates that Senator Obama is not the abortion moderate of our professors’ imagination, but a genuine abortion radical. In the third presidential debate, Obama described Roev. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that obliterated the abortion law of all fifty states, as ”rightly decided”-a judgment with which Professors Cafardi, Kaveny, and Kmiec have all disagreed in the past. Moreover, Senator Obama’s defense of Roe extends far beyond anyone’s ”elegant theorizing.” Support for Roe was Obama’s stated reason for opposing Illinois bills aimed at providing legal protection for children who survived an abortion. Support for Roe buttressed Obama’s criticism of a Supreme Court decision upholding state partial-birth abortion laws. The full implementation of the most radical interpretation of Roe would seem to be the goal of Obama’s support for the federal Freedom of Choice Act [FOCA], which, by stripping Catholic doctors of ”conscience clause” protections currently in state laws, would put thousands of Catholic physicians in jeopardy. …

Our law professors rightly ask who would best serve women in crisis pregnancies and their unborn children. The answer is obvious: those thousands of crisis pregnancy centers across America, staffed largely by unpaid volunteers and veterans of the pro-life movement, which offer women a real choice, and a better alternative to their dilemma than abortion. How is it possible to square a concern for women in crisis with support of the presidential candidate who favors ending the modest federal funding some of those crisis pregnancy centers now receive? How is it ”pro-life” to support a presidential candidate who is publicly committed to requiring any federal legislation in support of pregnant women to include promotion of abortion?

I sin avslutning citerar han den avlidne påven Johannes Paulus som i sitt tal till den tillträdande USA-ambassadören i Vatikanen sade följande:

No expression of today’s [American] commitment to liberty and justice for all can be more basic than the protection offered to those in society who are most vulnerable. The United States of America was founded on the conviction that an inalienable right to life was a self-evident moral truth, fidelity to which was a primary criterion of social justice. The moral history of your country is the story of your people’s efforts to widen the circle of inclusion in society, so that all Americans might enjoy the protection of law, participate in the responsibilities of citizenship, and have the opportunity to make a contribution to the common good. Whenever a certain category of people””the unborn or the sick and old””are excluded from that protection, a deadly anarchy subverts the original understanding of justice. The credibility of the United States will depend more and more on its promotion of a genuine culture of life, and on a renewed commitment to building a world in which the weakest and most vulnerable are welcomed and protected.

Alltså: rätten till liv är omistlig och har varit fundamental för USA. När vissa grupper av människor, de må vara ofödda eller gamla, inte längre skyddas av lagen undergräver en dödlig anarki hela förståelsen av vad rättvisa är.

Detta är en universell och självklar sanning. Ett land som systematiskt låter döda sina ofödda människor är barbariskt. Därför är och bör abortfrågan vara primär för alla dem som vill det goda. Den som säger sig vilja göra gott men ignorerar abortfrågan saknar en fungerande moralisk kompass.

Därför borde det vara en omöjlighet för kristna och alla med känsliga samveten att lägga sin röst på Obama.

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